Flappy Bird: 5 Tips To Get A High Score

Flappy Bird: 5 Tips To Get A High Score

Flappy Bird is the most simple modern game with Mario-inspired graphics, yet the most popular and most downloaded App of the moment. It’s truly annoying yet highly addictive at the same time, and it’s no wonder why it’s number 1 on iTunes and Google Play.

While there are already cheats and hacks circulating around the web, there is no way to cheat on this game. It has only one control (tap the screen) and one rule: don’t touch any green pipe! The longer you can control the bird and the further away you can travel, the higher your score will be.

While some people have claimed to have a Flappy Bird high score of 40, 50 or even more, most people barely get a 20. Some get so annoyed by this game that they delete it before reaching 5.

As we said before, there are no hacks or cheats for Flappy Bird, but here are some useful tips that might help you get a high score:

1. Get In The Zone

The more you play the game, the more you pick up the rhythm of the bird’s jumps so the further you will fly. The game is nothing but trial and error: play it a lot, focus and see what’s working and what’s not.

This is not one of those games that you can play when you are bored or tired, and you need to have a clear mind and be VERY CALM! The angrier you get, the sooner you will die. So just CHILL, FOCUS and BE PATIENT! When you will get a score of 20 you will laugh at those first tries when you barely got a 5.

2. Nice and Steady Taps

While quick taps might work when you need to go from a low pipe to a higher one, usually you must tap every 1 second or so. Don’t tap too early or you might hit the upper pipe, but make sure to tap before hitting the lower pipe. Timing is everything!

3. No Distractions

If possible, don’t have any distractions in your envirnment. A simple word from your mom, brother or friend will get you out of “the zone” and will make you hit the green pipes. Whatever you do, just don’t throw your phone at them! That’s why it’s best to play the game all by yourself.

4. Don’t Get Too Confident

This is definitely not the kind of game where you become a master and you always play it well. While you might make a 50+ high-score in one attempt, you might not even get to 5 on the next one. Deal with the fact that it's a very difficult game and no matter how good you get, you might still die without even touching anything. 

5. Take A Break

Flappy Bird might make you go insane in a matter of seconds! And the angrier you get, the worse you will play. So sometimes it's best to take a break, clear your mind and then get back on the game feeling calm and relaxed. Of course this feeling won’t last for long, but at least you might get a new High Score!
